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Welcome to Remarkably Ryan, your exclusive and number one source for the Japanese-American actor, Ryan Potter. Ryan is most notable for playing the roles of Mike Fukanaga in Supah Ninjas, Hiro Hamada (voice) in Big Hero 6 and of course, Gar Logan in Titans.
“We Have A Hulk” Interview with Ryan!

A recent poll that I ran on Twitter showed that people mostly wanted to see more interviews with Ryan being posted, I’m trying to make that happen as much as possible but he hasn’t done a lot of recent interviews. If you want to check out all the interviews we have posted, you can click here!

In the interview, Ryan talks all about his role on Titans and his audition for Titans, who he wants to cameo on the show, Representation between the actors, the backlash towards Anna being casted as Starfire and touches a little bit on how he worked with Disney (Big Hero 6) and now the DC Universe. You can watch (well… listen) below!

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