Welcome to the Supporting Ryan sub-section of Remarkably Ryan’s Career Chronicles. We highlight the best ways to show your support for Ryan throughout his career, we encourage you to buy his projects when possible but there’s also free ways to support him!
The best way to support Ryan is by following him through Social Media.
If there’s any missed opportunities to support Ryan, please DM us on Twitter or email ryanpotterorg@gmail.com.
Social Media
Purchase Projects
The links under this sub-section will only display digital retailers that offer Ryan’s projects for sale, we also encourage you to buy physical copies of the projects that get released on DVD & Blu-Ray at retailers such as Walmart, Target or wherever they sale DVDs.
Supah Ninjas – 2011 to 2013:
iTunes — Vol, 1. | Vol, 2. | Vol, 3. | Orange Collection
Big Hero 6: The Series – 2017 to 2021:
iTunes — Vol, 1. | Vol, 2. | Vol, 3. | Vol, 4. | Vol, 5.
Titans – 2018 to 2023:
iTunes — Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 1-2 Collection
Senior Project – 2014:
Big Hero 6 – 2014:
Underdog Kids – 2015:
Running for Grace – 2018: