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Welcome to Remarkably Ryan, your exclusive and number one source for the Japanese-American actor, Ryan Potter. Ryan is most notable for playing the roles of Mike Fukanaga in Supah Ninjas, Hiro Hamada (voice) in Big Hero 6 and of course, Gar Logan in Titans.
MASTERPOST: Exclusive HQs Photo Update!

We have acquired a ton of exclusive high quality images and rares of Ryan throughout his career and have done a major photo update to the photo archive. We require you to have basic etiquette when sharing our exclusives, as we require you to NEVER remove the credit and always give us credit. If posting on social media and the credit is removed for any reason, at least give us a link back in the caption or just do (c)

It’s not that hard to credit, and we just ask for everyone to credit if using! More exclusives are coming soon. 🙂

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